Sunday, 10 June 2012


RELOVE and stufF. Relove what others loved before You.
As a young woman You could find me on top of containers in uptown areas saving furnitures from death. If I could I find anything made out of noble materials, I brought it home and reloved and relived it. The rescue was paint, textile, oil, nails and a lot of patience and work. As designer and architect I teach others how to find the soul in stuff that is to good to throw away. Therefore "againstthrowawayism" has become my mantra. Follow me around the world and make my blog live, inspired by Yourself.


  1. I absolutely love the baskets. What a great idea. The whole idea of recycling magazines in such a creative way is wonderful.
    Do you sell the procucts or are they only for exhebition?
    I also wonder if you make different sizes?
    Is there any finish on the baskets?
    Well, I enjoy your blog and I am looking forward to lots more STUFF.

    Sincerely, Gitte.

  2. Thank You!You are very kind.
    Of course I can sell You some. Right now the one I have are just models I use when I teach.
    Yes, You can make them bigger.
    You don't have to use any finish, as long as you choose paper from magazines, as the one I show. Magazines wich is meant to be looked in several times.

    Today I have put on some more "JEWELLS" on the site "Recycle Your bike"

    Sincerely Marietta
